

All dogs entering any facility must be up to date with 3 vaccines: rabies, bordetella, and distemper. There are several options to get proof of vaccination to us. You can send a digital or scanned copy via text or email, bring your physical documents to your first appointment, or, at last resort, we can call your vet directly. Please note, if you arrive at the facility and your vet’s office is not open/does not answer, we will have no way to verify your vaccines, and your dog will not be permitted entry.


All dogs going to daycare (including boarders) will be required to undergo a temperament test. You must first register an account with us, and schedule your temp test here. Staff will reach out to confirm date, time, and vaccine history.

The temperament test consists of us first observing how your dog interacts with staff. Then, we slowly introduce different energy level dogs to them one by one. Provided the one on one interactions go well, the rest of the group will be brought in to meet your dog. After that, we put the group back in their area, and take your dog in, as if it were coming to daycare on a normal day. After all that, we enter the pack with your dog and watch them in a group play scenario.


All cats entering either facility must be up to date with 3 vaccines: rabies, feline leukemia, and distemper.